
4th of July in the Keweenaw

From celebrations of independence taking place in communities throughout the region, to awe-inspiring natural beauty and rich cultural heritage to explore... the Keweenaw Peninsula offers a unique and unforgettable 4th of July experience. Join us as we enjoy the warmth of long summer days, the smell…

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Your Ultimate Springtime Guide to the Keweenaw

Listen to the drip-drops of snow melting and feel the warmth of the sun as the days lengthen in the Keweenaw. Spring is a special time of year here. While this is often an overlooked season for travelers, it’s a time of year that locals cherish and look forward to. This magical time of year brings…

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Out of the four seasons, spring gets the least amount of love from Keweenaw enthusiasts. Unlike the long days of summer, the brilliant colors of fall, or the epic snow of winter, this shoulder season is often overlooked by visitors. But the locals know that this period is the “golden time” of living…

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Make the Keweenaw your Hygge Destination

As snowflakes dance delicately from the sky, there’s a certain magic that can be felt in the serene landscape of the Keweenaw Peninsula. Winter transforms this enchanting region into a wonderland of hygge, where warmth emanates from cozy cabins, crackling fires, and the genuine hospitality of…

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A Brief History of Hockey in the Keweenaw

Hockey holds a significant place in Keweenaw history. As you drive into Houghton via US-41, you will see the iconic sign that reads, “Welcome to the Birthplace of Professional Hockey.” The region’s enduring love for the winter sport can be traced back through generations, with hockey becoming a…

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Where and how to sauna in the Keweenaw

A relaxing and freeing tradition dating back 2,000+ years, Sauna culture still burns strong in the Keweenaw. The Finnish do it best, their Sisu culture is known for inventing sauna documented in writing as early as 1112. Finnish saunas are known for reaching up to 170+ degrees with a nice steam…

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The Keweenaw's Top Historical Destinations for Winter

As winter winds sweep across the rugged landscape of the Keweenaw Peninsula, its historic destinations take on a serene and snow-covered charm. While some attractions hibernate beneath blankets of snow during the colder months, the Keweenaw doesn't cease to be a captivating canvas for those seeking…

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Keweenaw Holiday Gift Guide

The Keweenaw Peninsula is a special place that calls to people from near and far. Shop small this holiday season and find meaningful gifts that celebrate the Keweenaw Peninsula, Lake Superior, and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. From regional flavors to art and books inspired by our heritage, we’ve put…

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