
Where and how to sauna in the Keweenaw

A relaxing and freeing tradition dating back 2,000+ years, Sauna culture still burns strong in the Keweenaw. The Finnish do it best, their Sisu culture is known for inventing sauna documented in writing as early as 1112. Finnish saunas are known for reaching up to 170+ degrees with a nice steam…

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Jibba Jabba: Freestyle Snowboarding in Houghton

Bundle up and join us for the 2024 Jibba Jabba Rail Jam in downtown Houghton on Saturday, Feb. 17 @ 6 p.m. What is a rail jam? A rail jam is a winter event in which a special course is created with rail-like features and objects that skiers/snowboarders can perform tricks on. A unique rail jam…

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The Keweenaw's Top Historical Destinations for Winter

As winter winds sweep across the rugged landscape of the Keweenaw Peninsula, its historic destinations take on a serene and snow-covered charm. While some attractions hibernate beneath blankets of snow during the colder months, the Keweenaw doesn't cease to be a captivating canvas for those seeking…

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In a place that regularly averages over 200 inches of snow a year, playing in the snow has become a skill that the Keweenaw has honed to utter perfection. Michigan Technological University’s Winter Carnival, full of snow and ice sculptures, music, and outdoor sports, celebrates the incredible…

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Insider's Guide to Attending Heikinpäivä

Heikinpäivä, a mid-winter Finnish-American celebration, returns to downtown Hancock this January. This event is planned intentionally during a quiet time of year and celebrates the Hancock and Copper Country's Finnish heritage. This lively festival reminds of us of the many ways that winter can be…

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